McSTREAMY.COM (01/17/2015) – continues to make over it’s website, as it gears up to have a greater impact on the World Wide Web. The site has been on the internet since 2010. During that time, it has had a presence, but an overall lack of identity. McStreamy decided to do something about that and has been making some changes.
A good deal of the changes have to do with, what is called in the industry, ” the Look and Feel” of the site, as well as the fact that the same Look and Feel is making it possible for to be completely compatible with Mobile Devices, like Smartphones, Tablets, Laptops, as well as the desktop computer in your home or office.

SCREENSHOT of 01/17/2015 FrontPage, showing full length and width of reduced homepage image.
It makes no difference, now, whether you go to while using your home computer or one of the mobile devices we’ve mentioned here, the same images and text on the page will adjust for the size of the monitor screen you’re looking at, even your smallest Smartphone screen. It is designed to be much more pleasing, should you be using a small screen, or mid-size screens, instead of the larger monitor screens at home or in the office. This is referred to as being “Responsive” to the needs of your device.
The website is also compatible with most browsers. It has been tested with the latest versions of FireFox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer. However, if you have older versions of these browsers, there are some features of the New Look and Feel that won’t translate very well. That’s because of the newer technology incorporated behind the scenes that make the New Look and Feel possible. Only the newest versions of the Big 3 Browsers can handle the workload.
Compatibility of other browser brands will be noted and reported here in the future.
The New is all about streaming Fun, News and Entertainment to your Desktop Computer, Laptop, Tablet, Smartphone, and Other Mobile Devices. As of this writing, the list in the Menu, includes, FrontPage, InfoPosts, RadioPlayer (internet radio directory and player), World News (summaries), Sports (shortly told), Music (industry and fan side briefs), TV & Movies (summaries), OlderPages (temporary), Be Our Fan On Facebook (with a link to do it), Follow Us On Twitter (ditto), Contact Us (under construction), and RSS Feed (self explanatory).

This is how our FrontPage looked before switching to the current Responsive technology.
McStreamy’s old pages heavily utilized “tables” in it’s construction, instead of relying on CSS. Tables hold everything in place, but, confines the content so that when small screens in Mobile Devices are used to see the site, nothing changes to accomadate the smaller screen. As a result, under the old non-Responsive system, most of the page is not seen. Not a good idea. Our new pages solves that shortcoming.
Regarding the New Look and Feel: The way the pages are now designed, you don’t have to just depend on finding what you need by using the Main Menu toward the top of each page. You will find additional Menus at the right side and bottom of each page, and other places on each page where you can find links to the content you want. The New Look and Feel includes the convenience, so that the site can be the Most User Friendly it can be. Another User Friendly feature finds you having two Search Fields so you can Search to find what you’re looking for.’s New Look and Feel website also includes many, well constructed, professionally processed photos, images and illustrations, optimized for your pleasurable viewing. Speaking of images, McStreamy just added a “Slider” in the upper, top, half of each page. The Slider welcomes you and gives you some information about the site, suggestions, recommendations, etc. Just another way the New is showing goodwill, and peace to all.
All in all, is continuing the process of making the new website better and better. The technical and editorial staff is tirelessly continuing the good fight to make the website one that you will make your destination on the internet, for years to come. So, the “tweaking” continues, in a genuine, ongoing way.