– President Donald Trump and the Coronavirus Task Force made a presentation at a briefing to the news media and public on television Thursday afternoon, April 16, 2020 during which they announced guidelines needed to Open Up America again. The guidelines describe the health criteria and phases that should be adhered to as Governors make arrangements to take off some of the stay-at-home recommendations their states have been under in attempts to prevent further spread of the highly contagious and often deadly COVID-19 virus.

The edited video presented here include some of the comments from, first, President Trump, followed by Vice President Mike Spence, then Doctor Anthony Fauci, and Doctor Deborah Birx, senior members of the Task Force created in response to the Coronavirus Pandemic. Our editing zeroes in on the more important parts of the presentations by those represented and does not alter what the participants said.

The video concludes with Doctor Birx responding to a question from a member of the news media representatives in attendance. Since the virus has not been defeated, if people are to return to work, it stands to reason that it will be important that everyone who works should be tested on a periodic basis to assure everyone who goes back to work that the people they work with are safe to be around. The question was to determine how many tests will be necessary to attain the different phases noted during the presentation.

Our edited down video starts with a portion of what President Trump said at the start:

One thing is very certain: the testing system needs to be overhauled to allow for more, better and frequent testing to make sure it is safe for people to go back to work without risking their lives and the lives of their loved ones whom they might infect with this often deadly virus. The same is true for going out to eat and attending sports games and matches again. These precautions will be imperative for going back to any semblance of our old lives before the COVID-19 virus epidemic that turned into a Pandemic hit the town and turned our lives even further upside down than they had already become.

Logic Says Testing will be extremely important until a vaccine is created, tested, produced in large quantities, and administered to everyone through inoculation if the plan to Make America Open Again ever has a chance of being truly successful.


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